The Benefits of Veneers

When tooth issues keep you from smiling, veneers offer a simple solution. Your Grand Rapids, MI, dentist, Dr. Robert Dame of North Park Family Dental, can help you enhance your appearance with these popular dental restorations.

How veneers work

Veneers are designed to hide imperfections and minor tooth damage. The thin porcelain or plastic shells are made from an impression of your mouth and attached to the fronts of your teeth with dental cement. Veneers require very little preparation. In fact, your Grand Rapids, MI, dentist may only need to remove a tiny amount of tooth enamel to ensure a proper fit for your veneers. (In some cases, removing the enamel may not even be necessary.)

7 ways veneers can transform your smile

Veneers can be an excellent option if you have any of these common problems:

  • Tooth Damage: Years of chewing and biting can eventually lead to chips at the bottom of your teeth or shallow cracks. Although these issues may be minor, they can be very noticeable. Although veneers are about as thin as a contact lens, they offer an effective way to keep damage out of sight.
  • Gaps Between Teeth: Do you feel self-conscious about the space between your front teeth? Veneers hide slight gaps, completely changing your smile.
  • Imperfections: Veneers also conceal pits and bumps in your tooth enamel, making your teeth look perfectly smooth.
  • Discolorations: There's no need to live with a discolored tooth when veneers are available. Your dentist will select a veneer shade that matches the color of nearby teeth.
  • Shape Concerns: Teeth aren't always uniform. One tooth may be crooked, while another is twisted or oddly shaped. If your tooth problem doesn't affect your bite, it can be concealed by adding a veneer.
  • A Dull Smile: Stain-resistant veneers can also whiten your entire smile.
  • Short Teeth: Normal wear and tear may shorten teeth, as can grinding them while you sleep. Adding veneers lengthens short teeth, improving the symmetry of your smile. (Nightly grinding can damage veneers. After you receive your veneers, you'll need to wear a nightguard to protect your restorations.)

Are you ready to upgrade your smile with veneers? Schedule an appointment with your dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, Dr. Dame of North Park Family Dental, by calling (616) 361-7265 to schedule your appointment.

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